Well, internet, I’m on the road again.

I didn’t plan this so well.  The font I normally use, Blambot Pro, is on my desktop computer.  The version of Paint Shop Pro I usually use for lettering in on my desktop computer.  The large format scanner I normally use is hooked up to my desktop computer.  Whoops!

But I’m uploading anyway, internet.  I’m not going to let these little obstacles stop me!

On the plus side, I’m having a great time.  We’re relaxing with the folks and it’s raining here, which is pretty exciting for us.  We’re way out in the sticks where my phone can’t ring even if it wants to.  I slept 10 hours last night.  So I’m not going to let a little wrong font/funky leveling problem bother me.


The wrong font was really bothering me.  So I fixed it when I got back from vacation.